AWS/Java Solutions Architect
Ameen Asif

Over 25+ years of experience in IT, Sucessfully lead 5 Enterprise Cloud Migration Projects , Strong knowledge and experience in all facets of the software development. Expertise includes defining the overall design of a program or system on AWS and Traditional infrastructures, managing multiple offshore teams using Agile Methodologies, integration with third party systems, managing large scale projects. Design and implement high performance scalable solutions.

Ameen Asif :AWS Certified Architect Professional Ameen Asif :AWS Certified Architect Associate Ameen Asif :AWS Certified Architect Professional Ameen Asif :Google  Cloud Digital Leader Ameen Asif : AWS Certified AI Practitioner

6 Cloud Migration Projects
20 years of Dev
Async Event Driven Architectures
Serverless Design patterns.
Cloud Native Design
6 years of implementation.
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